LOT system for ice   makers

Issuing time:2024-07-22 15:16

Over the past year, we have made significant strides. We have developed our own lo technology, enabling remote control of

client machines. Features such as locking machines if clients fail to pay on time, sending passwords to restart machines

post-payment, automatic recharging, automatic startup after power outages, product tracking, monitoring usage

and environmental conditions (temperature, humidity,component operation), and collecting customer information for big data

analysis are now part of our offerings. We are proud to be the only ice-making factory globally to develop an LOT system for ice


Additionally, we have innovated by developing an air & water cooling system for a single machine, a feature we hold a patent for.

Unlike other factories that offer either air cooling or water cooling, our mixed-type cooling system allows for water conservation

while maintaining high-quality output.

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